Leadership CPD Programmes
Developing Leaders programme
Deputy Head Teacher Network Meeting Programme
Behaviour Leader Network Meeting Programme
Early Years Programmes
Quick link: find out more about our current Early Years programme [PDF]
Professional development you can trust
- We are working together to develop a confident, reflective and passionate early years workforce across East London.
- We believe in making a difference for the most disadvantaged children and their families.
- We believe in doing what’s right for young children.
- We are passionate about the early years.
The East London Partnership is from schools and early years settings, and it’s for schools and early years settings.
We don’t make a profit.
We don’t try to sell you things you don’t want.
But we do make sure that everything we offer is evidenced to improve quality, and to improve outcomes for children. We are very proud to work in partnership with the UCL Institute of Education, ranked number one in the world for education, and to hold their Professional Development Gold Award.
We’re achieving great things
• Comet Nursery School are the winners of the TES Award for Early Years Pupil Premium. • Our Outstanding Early Years Teaching programme has been the subject of a major evaluation by the UCL IOE which was presented at the EECERA 2017 Conference • Our Achieving Success in Your Early Years Ofsted Inspection book has been shortlisted for the Nursery World book of the year (2017) • Our Annual Early Years Conference in January is one of England’s biggest and best. • Our Celebrating Children’s Learning project has been a runaway success and will be brought together in an exciting new book in early spring 2008.
Find out more about our Early Years Professional Development Programme and our member benefits [PDF]
Our Autumn 2017 – Spring 2018 programme
Making the most of your Early Years Pupil Premium Funding
This three-session programme is led by Lisa Clarke, Headteacher at Comet Nursery School and Children’s Centre.
Winners of the first National Early Years Pupil Premium Award 2017 sponsored by the DfE and TES.
“The work you’re doing in your schools is exceptional. It demonstrates that, when used innovatively and effectively, the pupil premium can transform the lives of disadvantaged pupils.” Robert Goodwill, Minister for Children and Families
Comet developed an EYPP programme called ‘Natural Explorers’ using a research-based approach.
The programme is based around forest school approaches, scienti c enquiry and gardening. It draws these elements together to support and extend children’s speech, language and communication skills with a focus on broadening vocabulary.
This 3-session course will walk you through setting up and delivering an EYPP project to impact achievement and narrow the gap.
Innovating a research-based programme for children receiving EYPP
Session 1: Wed 31st January 2018
Session 2: Wed 21st March 2018
Session 3: Wed 27th June 2018
Sessions to be held at Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s Centre, Newham E12 5PB and Comet Nursery School and Children’s Centre, Hackney N1 5RF
Tours of both settings will be available.
More details and how to book [PDF]
The following programmes are now fully booked for 2017-18. Please if you would like to sign up for our 2018-19 programme.
Noticing young mathematicians at play: effective maths provision in the Early Years
Aims • to understand that mathematics in children’s play provides rich evidence of learning. • to understand how the roles of adults can be developed to move children’s mathematical learning on when the children are involved in play. • to gain a broader understanding of how to evidence and develop mathematical learning from children’s play.

Photo courtesy of SMAR+ CPD
You will have a unique opportunity to observe play-based maths pedagogy at Sheringham Nursery and Sheringham Primary Schools, both rated Outstanding by Ofsted.
This programme is suitable for experienced EYFS teachers and Maths leads who want to develop leading-edge provision in the early years.
Venue: Sheringham Nursery School
Dates: 17/01/18 and 31/01/18
Times: 8.30am arrival for a prompt 9am start. Finishing promptly at 4pm.
This programme is a collaboration between the East London Partnership, the Elmhurst Maths Hub, and SMaR+ (Specialists in Mathematical Reasoning and Thinking).
This programme costs £650 for 2 full days and 3 twilight sessions (£550 for members of either Teaching School Alliance).
More details and how to book [PDF]
Improving children’s outcomes through evidence-based professional development: developing early language and communication and PSED
This 5 Day Professional Development Programme is from A+ Education in association with East London Partnership.
It develops from our pilot of the URLEY programme last year, funded by the Education Endowment Fund, and will help you to:
- raise quality in Early Years Foundation Stage with lasting effect on child outcomes in later key stages
- develop an effective self-evaluation and improvement cycle using evidence based practice
- develop expertise for sustained improvement beyond the end of the programme.
Course Dates
Day 1 – 2nd October 2017
Day 2 – 16th October 2017
Day 3 – 13th November 2017
Day 4 – 15th January 2018
Day 5 – 26th February 2018
Cost: £700 for the 5-day course (£500 for members).
More details and how to book [PDF]
Outstanding Early Years Teaching
Outstanding Early Years Teaching is a year-long professional development programme, suitable for experienced early years teachers who wish to develop their practice, and for those at the start of their careers striving for excellence.
Participants have a unique opportunity to undertake eight visits to six Maintained Nursery Schools in East London, rated Outstanding, to observe leading-edge practice and engage in professional dialogue.
This programme is the subject of a major evaluation by the UCL IOE which was presented at the 2017 EECERA Conference.
Cost: £700 for the 8 sessions and online engagement programme (£550 for members)
More details and how to book [PDF]
“I thoroughly recommend this course – it has highly motivated staff and led to enhanced professional dialogue. It has allowed reflection on what is going well within our setting and the opportunity to identify next steps; the continued pursuit of excellence.” Deborah Strain – Headteacher, Gainsborough Primary School
“This course has been an amazing one for me. I am only in my second year of Nursery teaching and I have learnt so much, not just from each venue but from listening to you all. My nursery looks completely different from this time last year and that’s all down to the course.” Jenni Wade, Nursery Class Teacher.
“The Outstanding Teaching in the Early Years course has been really inspirational. Visiting different settings, judged to be outstanding, to consider a focus area of learning, has been invaluable, I can’t think of another time in my career when I have been afforded that luxury, to see practitioners and children in action and just to observe.
One of the first comments made by Julian was how little time there is to step back, from the writing, the “teaching” and simply observe the children and their interactions. I do this regularly now, I step back and look, always careful not to interrupt the moment, with the clipboard down.
Along with the further reading, which is deepening my engagement and understanding, I feel it has changed my practice. I have been inspired to strive to create a risk averse, literacy rich, mathematically challenging, physicality motivating, emotionally secure, enabling environment with parents, children and the staff as equal partners.
A fantastic course, well organised, well thought out and really nice to be able to link up with other settings, other practitioners and the chance to appreciate the privilege of working in the Early Years. Theresa Hedoun, Early Years Co-Ordinator
Newham Nursery Schools Joint Website
You can find our more about our “Learning without limits” project by visiting the site.